This project was created during a collaboration with my hometown, Differdange in Luxembourg. The "Ville de Differdange" had organized a sports week, during which a lot of different sport activities and taster courses were offered, in order to inform the inhabitants of Differdange about the different sports offered in the community centre and to motivate them in general to do more sports.

For this purpose I made this animation. It contains the logo of the community, which I animated with Cinema 4D by Maxon, interacting with different types of sports. My conceptual idea was to lift the logo symbolically out of its 2 dimensional stillness, just like the inhabitants of the community should be symbolically lifted out of their unsportiness.
To get the Animation moving, I used a rig, a skeleton-like structure that is placed in the characters body and merged with it. The rig can then be moved and the body shape will follow its movements.
Finally to give the 3D Animated logo some more character and liveliness, I applied a modelling clay texture to the colored blocks.
created by Michelle Liesch, 2018
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